Friday, October 26, 2007

I Need Privacy!

Yesterday at the Library I heard the funniest thing out of Shrek's mouth. (As a review for those who haven't been following my blog, Shrek is my younger son's alias. I know there has been some confusion about this and I don't want anyone to worry that I've suddenly started hanging out with Ogres.) Anyway, our library has bathrooms with those tiny little toilets right off the children's section....brilliant planning, by the way--I just love our local library. Skrek loves these pottys so we usually go while we're there. Well, yesterday Shrek walked into the bathroom, closed the door and when he realized I was right behind him, he opened the door back up and said emphatically, "Mommy, I need privacy!"

"Ok, Ok, " I said. And then I had a little laugh.

"Why," you ask? (After all, that is an entirely appropriate thing to say while closing the bathroom door.)

I had to laugh BECAUSE Shrek is just about the least "private" kid on the planet. He's the one who moons the camera every time we pull it out to take pictures. He's the one who prefers to be naked on any occassion. He's the one who says, "I have to go poopy...come with me mommy!" I have never witnessed Shrek closing the bathroom door in our home and whenever I turn on the water to take a shower, he runs in pulling his clothes off saying, "I want to take a shallah too!"

And now he wants privacy!

OK. Whatever. You've got it Shrek. I don't want to smell your stinky poo anyway.

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