Shrek was singing a song the other day that I thought was quite brilliant, for a 2-year-old. He sang, "Nobody burped. Yesbody burped. Nobody burped. Yesbody burped." Aside from the fact that he has an obession with bodily functions, I thought it was pretty interesting that he had decided that the opposite of "nobody" is "yesbody." Makes sense to me! I got a good giggle out of it. I hope you do too!
MJ cracks me up too! He woke up not feeling great this morning. Both boys have been struggling with a cough for the last few days, but I guess the symptoms are increasing. I took MJ's temperature this morning to rule out a fever. It was about 98.7 degrees. When I told him it was only barely above normal, he got wide eyed, pretended to lick something and whispered, "Goose feather!" Yesterday, while we were out for a walk, he found a goose feather and licked it. I told him not to do that, which of course was met with a, "Why?" So I explained that geese might have germs and diseases that we don't want to expose our bodies to. Little did I know it would cause great concern that he may indeed have contracted some kind of goose disease. Just when you think your kids aren't listening to you!
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