Today I thought it would be fun to load my "before" pictures from a few years ago when Bo and I were going to do P90X to get in shape. There are no "after" pictures because we didn't last all that long. We couldn't figure out a place to put a pull up bar in our apartment and then people moved in downstairs from us and we felt bad doing all that jumping around on their heads at 6:00am. I know, I know, excuses, excuses. We have a lot of them. But this picture is what I'm talking about. Maybe I don't have a lot of muscle definition and maybe I have some extra skin around the belly from bearing two children, but I look at the "before" picture and I think, "If I am exercising to see a great impact on my body then there's going to be a lot of pain for not much gain."
So maybe I will write my before statement and post it on the fridge. Something like...
When I don't exercise I feel...
Like a bear could overtake me in 5 seconds flat
In 90 days I will rewrite my statement. I hope it says...
Fast as a cheetah for one minute
my human relations teacher made us come up with long term and short term goals for an assignment, and then we had to write affirmations for each goal, like what you are saying about how you feel when you work out. they actually are quite helpful and a super positive way to reinforce behavior.
I like the fast as a cheetah for one minute goal! Wanna runa 5k with me sometime this spring? Jen R. Likes to run and she will probably do it with us. I HATE running, but figure if I can bike all the way across Iowa I should be able to do it... :o). Proud of you for making the effort.
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