Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Respect--The "R" in SCORE

Our definition of Respect is treating others how you want to be treated. It’s obeying the golden rule. This is what we expect from all of the boys and girls in our league from how they treat coaches, fellow players, officials, parents and the facilities we have the privilege of using. Respect is acknowledging that everyone we come in contact with deserves to be treated with dignity.

Tommy Lasorda has said, “I’ve learned that the only way to get respect from people is to give them respect.” How true this is. Have you ever tried to teach your kids how to be respectful by screaming at them? If you haven’t, take it from me and don’t even bother. It doesn’t work. Some of the hardest parenting moments come when we have to choose to respond to our child with respect when their behavior is not worthy of it. It is in those moments when I have to remember that their innate value as a human being is what makes them worthy of respect and if they are to learn how to be respectful to others, they need to see it in practice.

One of the best ways to show respect to our kids is to really listen to them.

I am so guilty of giving my kids half of my attention as I juggle work, household tasks, phone calls, email and the ever distracting time warp called facebook. I am reluctant to admit that at least one of my children have asked me, “What is more important: facebook or your kids?” On the surface the answer is obvious, but why would my kids have to ask that question if they didn’t feel threatened by this competitor vying for my time and attention. Sometimes they rattle on about things while I mumble, “uh huh,” without having truly heard anything they’ve said. No wonder they turn into disrespectful urchins, cranking up the volume and whine factor in their requests.

Showing respect is actually harder than it looks because we have to respond in the right way regardless of how we feel. It takes a measure of discipline, sacrifice and self-control to truly develop a character of respect. If it were easy, we would not need to emphasize it in our homes, our schools (one of the top 3 rules at Ralston Elementary Schools!) and our basketball league.

Thanks for helping us emphasize Respect this week with our kids!

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