Before Lent I read an article about giving something up for the season, which is not part of my Methodist upbringing I can assure you, but the author listed some great reasons to adopt this discipline so I decided to join my Catholic sisters and sacrifice something for 40 days. I want to grow in dependence on God and humility toward my fellow women...yes, count me in! The question is, how to choose? What would be sufficiently costly? The article said to ask myself what I could not live without?
Facebook and Coffee.
Shallow. I totally know. Can I give you my excuses? Can I? OK thanks. Here's the reason for my Facebook addiction: I am alone most of the time. I am not an alone kind of girl. Facebook helps me feel like there's people around even when there isn't. So when I'm lonely, I log on and check out what my 600+ closest friends are up to. (Bo calls me "Facebook easy" because I'll say yes to anyone who invites me to be their friend.) As you can imagine, keeping up with over 600 friends takes A LOT of time. I confess, it has become a huge distraction/waste-of-time.
As for coffee...I'm just addicted. Plain and simple.
So I wimped out. I chose Facebook. Only I didn't give it up completely because it is useful and people actually communicate with each other there. It's a great tool when used correctly--how else would I have known to bring lunch to a friend whose daughter was in the hospital or collected some great baseball stuff for a kid in our town who has never played and his parents can't afford all the gear? So I didn't go cold-turkey. I just needed to set some parameters. I'm realizing how pathetic this is as I write it...my big sacrifice in life for 40 days was to limit my Facebook time to 20 minutes every day. Wow, I would make a terrible Catholic!! Really, Jesus died for me and I give myself a time limit?
A theological aside: This just proves, yet again, that the Christian life is all about GRACE. When we hold up our piddly offerings next to His outrageous love, there is no doubt that He is the one who accomplishes the thing.
It turns out that my meager sacrifice was, and is, a really good thing. I installed this thing (maybe they call it an application) on my browser called Waste No Time and it locks me out of Facebook after 20 minutes. And no, I don't have one of those fancy phones that let's me look at it on there so I really was limited to 20 minutes. Guess what? Even though Lent is over I'm keeping it. It's good for me.
One result is that since I only had a few minutes to read people's updates I decided to unsubscribe to a bunch of people. I didn't go as far as Un-friending them because that's not exactly how I feel about them, but there are a number of people that I don't really need to know what's happening in their lives on a daily basis. This is reality. Sorry 600+ friends. I know, we're so close you are devastated. Please, forgive me.
So all in all, despite my pathetic offering, I've been feeling like practicing this discipline for Lent was a positive. But THEN...
something REALLY crazy happened....
A week before Easter I got some kind of stomach bug and for two days I stopped drinking coffee. The reason I figured it out was because my head was killing me. Bo asked me if I was feeling better and I had to say that my stomach was fine, but I felt like CRAP.
That was all I needed to start part 2 of my meager Lenten sacrifice, but by then Lent was practically over. I decided to go for it anyway. My theory is that if you can get past the first two excruciating days you've done the hardest part. So here I am, it's been over a week and I have not had any coffee. Not a drop. I have had some tea, which I'm not sure is decaffeinated because it's from China and I can't read Chinese. This is, once again, where the GRACE comes in and believe me I need it; this one is way worse than a Facebook time limit.
Hoo boy. It's not pretty. I'm dragging, which last week I thought was because of having a sick kid and not being able to exercise, but no, I'm just dragging.
I'm moody. Wait. I was probably like that before. But really, it's worse. Ask my family.
This is the weirdest symptom--I have sustained multiple head injuries since quitting coffee. I'm not kidding. I just keep bumping my head for no apparent reason. One of them would be quite obvious were it not for my slightly-manly, bushy eyebrows covering the bump. It's like my head has become uncoordinated or something and I truly attribute this to caffeine withdrawal. Now don't go reporting this to some medical journal. My one-woman study is hardly scientific. It's just a theory.
Despite these set-backs I am determined to persevere. I'm wondering though if I will go back to my addiction as soon as the 40 days are over or if, like my Waste No Time thing, I will decide to keep it.
Please weigh in. Have any of you gone caffeine-free? Please tell me the benefits since I have yet to experience any. I've read a few articles online about how terrible it is to be addicted to caffeine, but I gotta tell you, I really didn't mind all that much. I guess there are worse things to be addicted to, but there are probably better things too.
If I don't stop banging my head on things I may just forget that I've given up coffee altogether!
1 comment:
Hey Sarah - I quit caffeine cold turkey my senior year in college, for Lent - it took 3 weeks for the headaches to subside completely. I also quit caffeine for about 3 years while trying to get pregnant the first time, which was a lot easier because it was for a lot longer time. I'm totally addicted again now - it's a huge part of our culture, and such an easy crutch. But during the time I was off it, I really didn't miss it at all. I think for me the biggest upside was not having that dependency in my life. Being free from the need to have it. I WANT to go off coffee now, and sugar too, but I'm kind of scared of what the withdrawal period would be like. But I can tell you that it does get better.
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