Every so often, our family gets so sucked into our screens that we forget what on earth we are supposed to be doing in life. I don't blame my children. They learned it from watching me, not to mention that my job as a parent is to steer them in the right direction. You can bet that if they are getting away with something it's because I am letting them.
Lately, the iPod touch has been something I dream about flushing down the toilet one night while everyone is sleeping because we have been having so many fights about it. It is driving. me. crazy. So instead of screaming my fool head off, Bo and I issued this manifesto and required signatures upon reading. They are now posted where I can be reminded that my job is not to make my kids happy, but to teach them how to be functional human beings. This letter really isn't for them, it's for me.
I have to laugh a little because we gave this to them on Valentine's Day. True love is not always gushy. Sometimes love has to get tough. Enjoy!
Dear Roy and Rex,
Video Games and TV are a fun way to relax after our work is done. We want to practice good habits that will allow us to be happy and productive people in life. If we are too tired to work, then we should rest our eyes and bodies in bed or curl up with a good book. Watching TV and playing video games is not truly restful. You can watch TV or play video games when your work is done. Here is the definition of “my work is done”:
· Homework done (This includes practicing challenge words or any extra school work that is assigned.)
· Room Clean
· Bed Made
· Clean Clothes Put Away
· Dishwasher Unloaded
· Trash Out
· Recycling Cleaned Out
· Living room picked up
· 15 minutes of reading done
· One extra chore done and checked off your chart
· Ask mom what she needs help with
· When weather is nice—play outside!!!
If you’ve finished all of the above, then YES, you may relax with a TV show or video game.
Remember—TV is not a right--it is a privilege. You are in training for real life. If you sit around and watch TV/play video games all day, you will not have money to eat, nor will you make something of yourself. We want what’s best for you, not necessarily what you feel like doing in the moment. We love you that much!
Mom & Dad
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