Saturday, November 10, 2007

Allthebody & The lost tooth

Shrek has coined yet another new expression. His version of the word "everybody," which shows that he understands the meaning of what he is saying, although not gramatically correct, is "allthebody." He usually uses the word in extreme expressions of emotions, for example, "I love allthebody." Or, lately, "I hate allthebody." Drama. Sometimes he says both phrases within minutes of each other. Such is the short lived mood swing of a toddler!

Shrek also understands the concept of a birthday and is really looking forward to his coming up. He often holds up 2 fingers and says, "I dis numbah." Then he carefully figures out how to put up another finger and says, "I gonna dis numbah." MJ thinks the Shrek needs to learn the actual names of the numbers so I encouraged him to teach him. We'll see how that goes.

In other kid news, MJ lost his first tooth tonight. He was wrestling with Bo and it just popped out. A complete shock! No weeks of wiggling or tying on strings and slamming doors. Just surprise! And despite MJ's recent development of the fear of blood, he was not traumatized, but seemed proud of his "grown up" status. Plus we told him to hold onto it so he can put it under his pillow for the tooth fairy. We put it in a special ring box and he asked for more clarification as to exactly where the tooth should go under the pillow. "Do I put it inside the pillow case?" he wanted to know. I told him to just make sure the tooth fairy can reach it easily.

This begs an important question. How much does the tooth fairy leave for a tooth these days? When I was a kid, she left a quarter. A quarter today just doesn't have the same buying power. So I'm wondering if the tooth fairy adjusts for inflation. I guess we'll find out tonight. But I'd be curious to hear what the tooth fairy leaves for your kids, if they've lost teeth recently (wink, wink).

1 comment:

aimgus said...

Hi Sarah, first tooth for Xander the tooth fairy left a big $5! I think 30+ years ago for me my first tooth the tooth fairy left me a SILVER DOLLAR!! and then it was 25 cents to 50 cents for each tooth after. i think the going rate for teeth after the first one is about a dollar on the east coast (it is more expensive out here though :)
and don't forget to remind people about your blog when you blog as i bet more would check it :) love, aim